Nitrate Removal Filter
The nitrate removal filters are designed to offer an effective, hassle-free and dependable solution for removing nitrate in the private water supply. Nitrate is found in waters in many parts of the UK, and its removal is vital for eliminating the health risks it has. Over 60% of nitrate enters the water from agricultural land. Its high concentrations in water can cause methaemoglobinaemia in very young children (blue baby syndrome), which can be fatal in extreme cases.
The legal limit of nitrate in drinking water is 50ug/ll, meaning that if your water sample testing shows anything above this, you need to consider installing a nitrate water filter to prevent further health risks and improve the quality of your private water supply.
The borehole water filters for nitrate removal use one of the most common methods to remove nitrates by ion exchange. As the water travels through the nitrate reduction filter, it passes over a resin where the nitrate is held and removed. When the resin becomes saturated, it is automatically regenerated with salt, so it is always ready for use. These nitrate removal filters can also be used in conjunction with other filters such as sediment backwash filters if the water has high turbidity, iron and manganese filters or pH correction filters if the pH of the water is very low.
►Developed specifically for the removal of nitrate
►Automatically regenerate with salt for continual use
►Provides long operating cycles
►Consistent reliability
►High efficiency
►Easy to install